ChatGPT + Code Interpreter = Magic


tl;dr: OpenAI is testing the ability to run code and use third-party plugins in ChatGPT.

OpenAI has announced that we’re developing plugins for ChatGPT that will extend its capabilities. [Link] Plugins range from third-party tools like WolframAlpha and OpenTable, to our browsing plugin and Code Interpreter that can generate code, run code, upload and download files ranging from csv data to images and evaluate the output all within the ChatGPT interface.

Currently the Code Interpreter runs Python with a small selection of libraries. I’ve been playing with Code Interpreter and it’s been a lot of fun to see what it can do even with basic libraries.

Beside generating code, Code Interpreter (CI) can analyze the output and use it in another function. This means that you can string together different sections of code, taking the output of one and feeding it to another. The Pac-Man gif above was made…

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